
How To Pull Data From Another Tab In Excel

You've got information in ane canvas in your spreadsheet, and want to use it in some other sheet. You could copy information technology—merely and then, when you lot change the data in ane sheet, you'll have to alter information technology in the other sheet, as well.

There's a better selection—link your spreadsheet cells to go along the same data in each place. Here'south how in Google Sheets (and the same trick works in Excel, Numbers, Quip, and other pop spreadsheet apps):

Link Spreadsheet Cells with !

Reference Cell in Google Sheets

To reference a prison cell from ane canvass in another, all you need to know is the sheet's name and the cell's name. Link them together with an exclamation marker.

Say your sail's proper name is "Names", and you need the information from cell B3. Just enter =Names!B3 in any cell, and you'll get the data from that cell in your new sheet.

Or, at that place's an easier option. Type = in your prison cell, then click the other canvass and select the prison cell you lot desire, and printing enter. That'll type the function for you.

Now, if you modify the data in the original B3 jail cell in the Names sheet, the data will update everywhere you lot've referenced that jail cell.

Need to calculate values from that cell? But type the rest of your office every bit normal. If Names!B3 has the value three and yous type =Names!B3*3, y'all'll get the result ix in your new jail cell as you lot'd expect.

Connect Sheets in Different Spreadsheets

Have cells in 2 different spreadsheets that you want to link? The all-time option there is to utilize Zapier'southward Google Sheets workflows to link your sheets. Zapier tin spotter for new or updated data in your cell, and re-create it over to your other spreadsheet to proceed things up-to-date across spreadsheets and accounts.

Now, with your data linked, yous'll save time without having to copy and paste information–and volition be sure to e'er have the correct data in every sheet.

Question asked past Andrea

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Matthew Guay

Matthew Guay is an editor and writer in Bangkok. When he's non writing, he's likely reading a new book or exploring random streets in a new metropolis. Follow Matthew at @maguay.


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