
How To Insert Rows With Data Repeated In Excel

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel? The 4 Best Methods

Annotation: This guide on how to insert multiple rows in Excel is suitable for all Excel users.

Accept yous e'er wondered how to insert multiple rows in Excel in 1 go? In this tutorial, I am going to explicate how to practice just that.

Also, I am going to talk well-nigh some lesser-known tricks and shortcuts nearly Excel rows.


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I am confident that, past the end of this guide, yous will be able to handle Excel rows like a pro.

I'll cover:

  1. Why Insert Multiple Rows in Excel?
  2. How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel?
  3. Excel Insert Row Shortcut
  4. Excel Insert Row Shortcut for Tables
  5. How to Add together a Row in-between Rows Multiple Times in Excel?

Why Insert Multiple Rows in Excel?

Many times, you will come across situations where you need to insert new rows of data into your spreadsheet. This will become strenuous and time-consuming even while using the Excel insert row shortcut.

That's when these techniques will come in handy, especially when you take as well many important tasks on your plate. All the things I am going to embrace volition assist you salvage time and utilise Excel effectively.

How to Insert Multiple Rows in Excel?

The easiest mode to insert multiple rows in Excel is to apply the Insert card options. Follow these steps to do this:

Step 1: Select the rows where you want to insert the new blank rows. To easily practice this, just select the first few cells and

use the shortcut Shift + Space to select entire rows.

how to Insert multiple rows in Excel
Select the rows where you want to insert multiple new rows

Step 2: Click on the Insert icon in the Home tab. Another mode to access the Insert icon is by

right-clicking on the selection.

Click on the Insert Icon
Click on the Insert icon in the Cells group under the Home tab
Right Click to access the insert icon
Another way to access the Insert selection is to right-click on your selection

Excel will insert blank rows in place of the rows you just selected.

Step three: At present that you take the empty rows ready, fill in the relevant information inside them to

complete the spreadsheet.

Fill the inserted rows with relevant data
Fill the inserted rows with relevant data

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Excel Insert Row Shortcut

The best way to fastly add multiple rows is to utilize keyboard shortcuts. They are:

Stride one: Click and Select the Row cells where you want to add the new rows. Utilize Shift+Infinite.

This will select the entire rows.

Step 2: Press Alt+I

Pace 3: Printing Alt+R

That's it. Excel volition add multiple rows of blank data in the selected location. It is simple yet very effective.

Practice you desire a simpler alternative shortcut?

Just select the rows where yous want to add together new rows and click Ctrl plus "+".

Select the rows where you want to insert multiple rows and use Ctrl+"+" shortcut

Note: For some reason, this "+" has to be only from the keypad on your keyboard, for this to work properly.

It cannot get simpler than this, isn't it?

Excel Insert Row Shortcut for Tables

Sometimes, y'all may need to add multiple rows, not for all columns but for a select data range.

For case, in this case, I take a data range, which needs new rows to be added within. But the trouble here is that I take a separate gear up of data that is placed in an side by side identify on the worksheet.

Now, If I add new columns for the entire worksheet range, information technology will touch on the neighbouring data set also. To avert this, y'all need to catechumen your data range into a table before adding the rows.

To practise this, select the data range where you lot want to add multiple new rows and press "Ctrl+T". This volition convert your normal data into a table.

Now, use Alt+H+I+A to add multiple rows at the place of your pick. The Ctrl plus "+"  option also works hither.

Convert your Data range into a Table using Ctrl+T and insert multiple rows at any place using Alt+H+I+A
Convert your Data range into a Tabular array using Ctrl+T and insert multiple rows at any place using Alt+H+I+A

How to Add a Row in-between Rows Multiple Times in Excel?

Allow's say, for instance, I accept a spreadsheet where I need to insert a row in between every two rows.

To practice this hands merely select unabridged rows by clicking on the row number with "Ctrl" simultaneously.

Then, simply click on the Insert push under the Home tab.

Use Ctrl while selecting the rows and click Insert to add a row between two rows
Use Ctrl while selecting the rows and click Insert to add together a row between two rows

That'southward information technology! Now Excel adds one empty row in between all the selected rows automatically.

Merely, what if you need to add more than than one row in between every two rows?

To do this you will need an additional column.

In this additional column, assign serial numbers to all the rows in your data set.

Add Serial Numbers in an adjacent Column
Add Serial Numbers in an adjacent Cavalcade

Next, re-create the unabridged gear up of series numbers and paste it at the end of the same column as many times as the number of rows you desire to add.

Paste the serial numbers below in the same column as many times as the number of rows you need to insert
Paste the series numbers below in the aforementioned column as many times as the number of rows you need to insert

Now, go to Sort and sort your data using the additional cavalcade in ascending order. Yous accept successfully added more than one row in betwixt every two rows.

Select the entire data range and sort by the serial number from Smallest to Largest.
Select the entire data range and sort past the serial number from Smallest to Largest.

You tin can delete the additional column if needed.

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Endmost Thoughts

These are all the different methods to insert multiple rows in Excel. If y'all take whatever questions nigh this or any other Excel feature, permit us know in the comments. We are e'er happy to help.

If you need more high-quality Excel guides, please check out our free Excel resource centre.

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Adam Lacey

Adam Lacey is an Excel enthusiast and online learning expert. He combines these two passions at Simon Sez IT where he wears a number of different hats. When Adam isn't fretting about site traffic or Pivot Tables, you'll find him on the lawn tennis courtroom or in the kitchen cooking up a storm.


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