
How To Do Square Root In Excel

nth root of number

Excel formula: nth root of number


To get the nth root of a number, you tin use the caret(^) operator with 1/n as the exponent in a unproblematic formula, or you can use the Power function. In the example shown, the formula in D5 is:



Past definition, the nth root of a number tin be calculated by raising that number to the power of 1/n. Exponents are entered using the exponentiation operator (^), with a number on the left and power on the right. So, in this instance we go the numbers from cavalcade B and powers from column C:


With the POWER role

The POWER function is another fashion to perform exponentiation in Excel. To get the nth root of a number with POWER, use the number with 1/due north for the power statement:


And so for the example shown, the formula in D5 would exist:


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